New posts in irrational-numbers

Using the fact that $\sqrt{n}$ is an irrational number whenever $n$ is not a perfect square, show $\sqrt{3} + \sqrt{7} + \sqrt{21}$ is irrational.

Is there a pythagorean triple such that all angles of the corresponding triangle are simple fractions of $\pi$?

Dimension of R over Q without cardinality argument. [duplicate]

When is an Integer a Rational Number, and are All Ratios Rational, Even $\frac{\sqrt{7}}{2}$?

Can I guess an irrational number formula from its digits?

Is the area of a circle ever an integer?

How to show $\sqrt{4+2\sqrt{3}}-\sqrt{3} = 1$

Is my proof for the sum of two square roots being irrational correct? [duplicate]

Irrationality of the values of the prime zeta function

Linear independence of the numbers $\{1,\pi,{\pi}^2\}$

Irrationality of $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} r^{-n^{2}}$ for every integer $r > 1$

Irrationality of Two Series

Different proof that $\sqrt{2}$ is irrational

A hole puncher that hates irrational distances [duplicate]

Is $x$ irrational when $2^{x}+3^{x}=6$?

Does π start with two identical decimal sequences?

Is $\sum_{n \ge 1}{\frac{p_n}{n!}}$ irrational?

$e^{\pi\sqrt N}$ is very close to an integer for some smallish $N$s. What about $\pi^{e\sqrt N}$?

Prove that 2.101001000100001... is an irrational number.

Does $\lfloor(4+\sqrt{11})^{n}\rfloor \pmod {100}$ repeat every $20$ cycles of $n$?