New posts in infinitesimals

Is line element mathematically rigorous?

Paradox about the volume of a cylinder

Rigorous definition of "differential"

Is this a correct/good way to think interpret differentials for the beginning calculus student?

What is the meaning of infinitesimal?

Calculus over $\mathbb{Q}$

Are infinitesimals dangerous?

Has anybody ever considered "full derivative"?

Why is it considered that $(\mathrm d x)^2=0$?

How small is an infinitesimal quantity?

Are infinitesimals equal to zero?

What is the use of hyperreal numbers?

Is it a new type of induction? (Infinitesimal induction) Is this even true?

Problem with basic definition of a tangent line.

Category-theoretic description of the real numbers

Why can't the second fundamental theorem of calculus be proved in just two lines?

Is non-standard analysis worth learning?

What is $dx$ in integration?