New posts in homology-cohomology

Integral homology of real Grassmannian $G(2,4)$

Deriving the long exact sequence of a pair $(X,A)$ from the Mayer-Vietoris sequence

Relative homology groups of the torus

How to show $q:H_2(S^1\times S^1)\longrightarrow H_2(S^1\times S^1, S^1\vee S^1)$ is an isomorphism?

Finding a mistake using Mayer-Vietoris

Persistent Homology: Birth and death of cycles

Translation Request - Grothendieck's Tohoku Paper

Meaning of "holes" counted by homology groups

Morse functions invariant under diffeomorphisms

Galois covering induces an isomorphism on the level of (co)homology

Finding a chain map from an $F$-acyclic resolution to an injective resolution which is a monomorphism in each degree

When is the quotient of simplicial complexes a simplicial complex?

Fixed-point free action of $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ on a finite CW complex

A map which is trivial on homology but not on cohomology?

When does a cohomology theory have a ring structure?

Compute the cohomology of projective schemes

Does the integral cohomology ring determine the ring structure with other coefficients?

Intersection Pairing and Poincaré Duality

How calculate the De Rham cohomology group of $3$-torus: $T^3$?

About maps between homology groups