Translation Request - Grothendieck's Tohoku Paper

I've been learning sheaf cohomology, and was interested in reading Grothendieck's Tohoku paper. However, I don't read French.

I've done a semi-extensive google search, and the majority of links end up linking back to, which provides a link to an English translation by Michael Barr. However, the link provided to his translation is broken.

Does anyone have a copy of this translation saved that they might be able to reupload elsewhere or email to me?

Also, I realize this might be a semi-taboo question, given Grothendieck's stated wishes on such matters, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


Solution 1:

I could not get the above link to work, either from a browser or from an ftp client.

This link works, at least as of October 17, 2014:

Solution 2:

Here is the current link to Barr's translation (remove "pub" directory from the old rotted link).