New posts in group-actions

Does the following object have such property?

Intuition behind picking group actions and Sylow

Explicit calculus of Hilbert-Smith conjecture

Non-trivial blocks of order $16$ of $D_{16}$ acting on $8$-gon vertices

wiki's definition of "strongly continuous group action" wrong?

Why care about group actions?

Applying Burnside's Lemma to a Permutational Problem.

Is the identity axiom in the definition of group action redundant?

A question about finite group acting on inputs and outputs of maps between vector spaces.

If groups $G$ and $H$ act on $X$, does $G\times H$ act on $X$?

What is a G-covering/trivial covering?

On sufficient conditions to ensure $X/G\cong X/G'\Rightarrow G\cong G'$.

Subgroups of $S_n$ with exactly one fixed point for each element all have the same fixed point.

Question about a proof of: If $P$ is a finite $p$-group and $\langle 1\rangle\neq N\trianglelefteq P$, then $N\cap Z(P)\neq\langle 1\rangle$.

Group acting properly discontinuous but not cocompactly on a metric space

Does there exist some sort of classification of incompressible groups?

What's the idea of an action of a group?

Unable to Understand the meaning of a term in question in book Richard Brualdi Introductory Combinatorics in Chapter Polya Counting

Can a group act on the empty set?

Intuition behind Group Action