New posts in graph-theory

Discrete Laplacian

Counterexamples to proofs of correct statements

Graph Proof by induction.

General way to count the number of paths in an out-tree?

Prove two graphs are isomorphic

Show that there is no simple graph with four vertices such that three vertices have degree 3 and one vertex has degree 1 [closed]

The use of any as opposed to every.

For this grid prove it has a scattered black diagonal. [duplicate]

For a graph $(G, V)$, $\# \text{edges}$ is given by the rank of $H_1(G, V)$.

Arranging Bubbles

Shooting Game for Fun

Cantor-Bernstein-Schröder Theorem: small proof using Graph Theory, is this correct?

Minimum distance required to travel to "see" all points on a hypercube

How to get from Chebyshev to Ihara?

Radius, diameter and center of graph

Number of perfect matchings in a complete bipartite graph without any edge repetition

Counting the number of paths on a graph

Number of edges in a graph with n vertices and k connected components

Prove there always exists a partition such that vertices in each part have even degree

What is the minimum and maximum number of leaf nodes a binary search tree can have? [closed]