New posts in graph-theory

Show that every strict acyclic digraph contains an arc whose reversal results in an acyclic digraph. [closed]

Prove that a simple planar bipartite graph on $n$ nodes has at most $2n-4$ edges. [closed]

Why is the Topology of a Graph called a "Topology"?

Coloring a $3\times n$ board using $3$ colors

Etymology of "topological sorting"

Arrangement of integers in a row such that the sum of every two adjacent numbers is a perfect square.

Edge-coloring of bipartite graphs

Did the Appel/Haken graph colouring (four colour map) proof really not contribute to understanding?

Product of adjacency matrices

Mantel's Theorem proof verification

Suppose E is a set of non adjacent edges of G and $\delta(G)\ge\frac{n+e}{2}$.Show that there is a Hamiltonian cycle that contains all the edges of E.

How to show these two graphs are not isomorphic?

We have $n$ charged and $n$ uncharged batteries and a radio which needs two charged batteries to work.

On the invertibility of the adjacency matrix of a graph

Number of connected graphs on labeled vertices, counted according to parity

Bombing of Königsberg problem

Math puzzle: 10 digit strings generations

Graceful graphs with Valence $k$

Connecting a $n, n$ point grid

Determining the number of valid TicTacToe board states in terms of board dimension