New posts in grammaticality

What’s the difference between “for” and “to” in “for/to many people”?

Is it ever correct to use "on" after "continue"?

meaning and form, grammatical, verb forms [closed]

Singular or plural reference to people on a panel,bench, commission etc

Is the usage of comma before "and" and again later on correct in this sentence?

“enables users to” vs “allows users to” – both correct?

What does “#Race together” mean? Is this a perfect English sentence?

"In accordance to the rule" and "in accordance with the rule"

How should I write long numbers in comma separated lists or parenthetical phrases?

Indefinite articles as adjectives and adverbs [?]

Difference between it's been 2 weeks since I spoke vs since I was speaking

indirect speech [duplicate]

Do negatives work algebraically? [closed]

Is this verse from Lady Gaga grammatically correct? [duplicate]

I remember meeting him yesterday

A question concerning the use of "as" as conjunction

Constituency tests needed to differentiate between phrasal verbs and verb + prepositional phrase constructions

Is it necessary to use "to" multiple times in this context?

Correct usage with phrases

Usage of high quality vs high-quality