New posts in grammaticality

‘World Aquatics Championships’ [closed]

Why these sentences are incorrect?

I want to check with my account team regarding payment processing, how to ask?

Is the meme, "all your base are belong to us" correct for any time period?

"Aaron is a genius boy"

something we were not notified of

Comma before "than" [What better way to celebrate.., than...]

Does "Verb to be" imply something?

Have a great sleep?

Active and passive sentences

Which verb form follows after "Something we can do, is "

Can the word "now" be used to connect two independent clauses?

Is "unable to do so" grammatically correct in this context?

Brave from ignorance and folly

Can the coordinating conjunction 'yet' follow a subordinating conjunction?

"One of my friend's father" vs. "one of my friends' father" [duplicate]

Could preposition be placed before the relative pronoun 'whose'?

Is "anymore" a word? [duplicate]

Syntax of have - already - yet

Is the omission of the verb "To be" in informative sentence [duplicate]