New posts in gerunds

Is (the reason ) "is his expecting otherwise" grammatically correct? [duplicate]

Forming gerunds when an auxiliary verb is required

You need your eyes testing

Verbs after adjectives, gerund or infinitive? [closed]

Verb after preposition

Is "Forgive my being late" grammatical?

"Having not" vs "not having"

Meeting you and to meet you? [closed]

If I have a list after a single gerund, do I use "is" or "are"?

Is it a gerund or a verb? [closed]

What is this 'gerund' or 'noun'

Why do we not include a possessive in "thank you for coming", and include one in "thank you for *your* kindness"?

Participles? Present participles? Are they nouns too? [duplicate]

Appositive phrase, participle phrase, gerund phrase and noun phrase. English is confusing

try + ing vs. try to + infinitive [duplicate]

Gerund before prepositions [closed]

Clauses of purpose: "for + -ing" or "to-infinitive [duplicate]

"I love to [verb]" vs "I love [gerund]" [duplicate]

What is the correct term for using a verb as an adjective? [closed]

"Recommend to have" vs. "recommend having" [duplicate]