New posts in geometry

What is the maximum number of quadrants in $n$ dimensional space that a $k$ dimensional hyperplane can pass through?

What Is the Hardest Shape To Roll?

Checking if a point is inside a polygon

Fix invalid polygon in Shapely

hatchet planimeter

Volumes of cones, spheres, and cylinders

What is the approximation equation for making the day/night wave

Geometrical objects whose volumes are fractional powers of their sizes

What is the Maximum Area of a Quadrilateral with sides of length a,b,c,d (in sequence).

Six points lie on a circle

solve $\frac{\sqrt{5}(\cos \theta - \sin \theta)}{3\sqrt{2}}=\tan \theta$

What is the connection between linear algebra and geometry?

Three-dimensional art galleries

Where do people learn about things like caustics, evolutes, inverse curves, etc.?

What is straight line?

A Golden Ratio Symphony! Why so many golden ratios in a relatively simple golden ratio construction with square and circle?

Minimum number of hemispheres covering a sphere

Can Tarski's circle squaring problem be solved with measurable sets and/or without the Axiom of Choice?

Different definitions for the Teichmüller space of puctured spheres

Given two skew lines, is there always a point of view from which they look perpendicular?