New posts in galois-theory

Find intermediate fields of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2}, \sqrt{3},i) \, | \, \mathbb{Q}(i)$

Understanding that $\mathbb{R}(X^2 + Y^2, XY)(x) \supset \mathbb{R}(Y)$?

Does a cubic polynomial with 3 real roots have Galois group C3?

Find basis and degree of splitting field of degree 8 (another question)

No prime is inert in non-cyclic Galois extension

Solvable number fields

Shortest way of proving that the Galois conjugate of a character is still a character

Computing primitive roots of unity in a Finite Field extension

Prerequisites for Differential Galois theory

Clarifications regarding Lagrange resolvent

What is the overall idea of Galois theory?

Transcendental Galois Theory

Galois Properties of the Values of Modular Forms

Link between Riemann surfaces and Galois theory

How to obtain Grothendieck’s “Long March Through Galois Theory”

extension of automorphism of field to algebraically closed field

How does topology enter Number theory and how we can grasp its essence?

Finite Galois extensions of the form $\frac{\mathbb Z_p[x]}{\langle p(x)\rangle}:\mathbb Z_p$

Explicit computation of a Galois group

Galois ring extension