New posts in galois-theory

Why these 'elementary' facts do not solve the Inverse Galois Problem?

Galois group of $x^{8}+16$

A question regarding the definition of Galois group

Learning about Grothendieck's Galois Theory.

When is a Morphism between Curves a Galois Extension of Function Fields

Galois action on a uniformizer of a non-archimedean local field

So-called Artin-Schreier Extension

Let $a$ be a p-cycle in $S_p$, and let $b$ be a transposition in $S_p$. Show $S_p$ is generated by $a$ and $b$.

Galois closure of a $p$-extension is also a $p$-extension

Symmetric functions written in terms of the elementary symmetric polynomials.

$X^m-a$ and $X^m-b$ irreducible with same splitting field, prove relation between $a$ and $b$.

Grothendieck's Galois theory: fundamental theorem

Prove $j:D\to \text{Hom}_R(S,S)$ is left $S$-module homomorphism

Finding the degree of a field extension over the rationals

Is the size of the Galois group always $n$ factorial?

$K(u,v)$ is a simple extension of fields if $u$ is separable

Radical extension

Why does "solvability" for groups suggest something about the solution of polynomials?

Is $x+x^{2^t}$ a cube in the finite fields with characteristic 2?

Complex Galois Representations are Finite