New posts in galois-theory

Conditions on cycle types for permutations to generate $S_n$

Is there a Cayley resolvent for sextic polynomials?

Galois group of an irreducible polynomial

A question on Automorphism on Galois Theory [duplicate]

Why are the elements of a galois/finite field represented as polynomials?

Prove that the Galois group of $x^n-1$ is abelian over the rationals

galois group of finite field [duplicate]

On solvable quintics and septics

Show the norm map is surjective

Field Norm Surjective for Finite Extensions of $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$

Unsolvability of a Quintic and its link with "Simplicity" of $A_{5}$

Quadratic subfield of cyclotomic field [duplicate]

Galois group of the quintic polynomial $X^5+X+1$

Galois Theory and Galois Groups

On solvable octic trinomials like $x^8-5x-5=0$

Inverse function of $y=\frac{\ln(x+1)}{\ln x}$

What's the explanation for these (infinitely many?) Ramanujan-type identities?

A result of van der Waerden says Galois theory "needs" incomputable sets - what does this mean, exactly?

Inverse Galois problem for small groups

About cyclotomic extensions of $p$-adic fields