New posts in galois-theory

Cardinality of algebraic extensions of an infinite field.

How to show that $\sqrt{3 - \sqrt{2}} \notin \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{3 + \sqrt{2}})$ [duplicate]

Resolvent of the Quintic...Functions of the roots

Elements of $\mathbb Q(2^{1/3})$

Proof that a finite separable extension has only finite many intermediate fields

Uniformly solvable families of polynomials

Intersection of Cyclotomic Fields

Separability and tensor product of fields

Finding the Galois group over $\Bbb{Q}$.

Real Cyclic Extensions of $\mathbb Q$ of given degree

Irreducible implies minimal polynomial?

A Galois Group Problem

The Galois group is $\mathbb{Z_{4}}$ if and only if $\frac{\alpha}{\beta}-\frac{\beta}{\alpha}\in\mathbb{Q}$

Galois group of a palindromic polynomial is not $S_n$?

Transitivity of the discriminant of number fields

Why is this extension of Galois?

Galois group of $x^6 + 3$ isomorphic to a copy of $S_3$ inside $S_6$

degree 3 Galois extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ not radical

Trace as Bilinear form on a field extension

Why any homomorphism between fields over $\mathbb Q$ fixes $\mathbb Q$ pointwise?