New posts in field-theory

Elements of $\mathbb Q(2^{1/3})$

Proof that a finite separable extension has only finite many intermediate fields

Prove that any subfield of $\mathbb C$ must contain $\mathbb Q$

Which matrices $A\in\text{Mat}_{n\times n}(\mathbb{K})$ are orthogonally diagonalizable over $\mathbb{K}$?

Other Euler characteristics?

The field of fractions of a field $F$ is isomorphic to $F$

Grassmann numbers as eigenvalues of nilpotent operators?

Intersection of Cyclotomic Fields

Prove that the field F is a vector space over itself.

How to prove a finite field is not ordered?

The elements in the composite field $FK$

degree of a field extension

Is any set of distinct "reduced" roots linearly independent over the rationals?

How would you show that field automorphisms fix prime subfields?

Geometric interpretation of different types of field extensions?

Is there a geometric interpretation of $F_p,\ F_{p^n}$ and $\overline{F_p}?$

Is there a field extension over the real numbers that is not the same as the field of complex numbers?

For field extensions $F\subsetneq K \subset F(x)$, $x$ is algebraic over $K$ [closed]

Real Cyclic Extensions of $\mathbb Q$ of given degree

Field Extensions and their dimensions