New posts in ordered-fields

How do extension fields implement $>, <$ comparisons?

What is Tarski’s definition of real number multiplication?

Least upper bound property implies Cauchy completeness

Every ordered field has a subfield isomorphic to $\mathbb Q$?

Ordering the field of real rational functions

Is the multiplicative structure of a totally ordered field unique?

Field having an archimedean ordering and a non archimedean ordering

Can an ordered field be finite?

Proof that rational functions are an ordered field, but non-archimedean - Bartle's elements of real analysis

How to prove a finite field is not ordered?

What is the degree of a real closure of an ordered field?

Least Upper Bound Property $\implies$ Complete

A finite field cannot be an ordered field.

Complete ordered field

Can algebraic numbers be compared using only rational arithmetic?

Fields that can be ordered in more than one way

Proof of Non-Ordering of Complex Field

In which ordered fields does absolute convergence imply convergence?