New posts in examples-counterexamples

Counterexample for a non-measurable function?

Continuous image of a locally connected space which is not locally connected

Can an uncountable group have a countable number of subgroups?

Are all algebraic commutative operations always associative? [duplicate]

Why isn't this a counterexample of Banach-Steinhaus theorem?

Examples of topological spaces with canonical bases with the following property (redivisibility)

Is there an infinite connected topological space such that every space obtained by removing one point from it is totally disconnected?

Continuous and bounded variation does not imply absolutely continuous

Non-associative, non-commutative binary operation with a identity

Proof that a certain subset of the reals is not a ring

M compact $p\in M$ , there exist $f:M-p\to M-p$ continuous bijection but not homeomorphism?

Are there any countable Hausdorff connected spaces?

Can compact sets completey determine a topology?

Examples of math contest problems that can be solved in a 'cheap' way?

Non-Metrizable Topological Spaces

Topological space that is not homeomorphic to the disjoint union of its connected components

Finding number of matrices whose square is the identity matrix

Examples of Monads and their Algebras

Must a ring (commutative, with 1), in which every non-zero ideal is prime, be a field?

Non-unital rings: a few examples