New posts in rngs

For any rng $R$, can we attach a unity?

In a ring, how do we prove that a * 0 = 0?

Commutative rings without assuming identity

Pronunciation of `Rng` - the non-unital Ring

the ring of dual numbers over a field $k$

Product of Principal Ideals when $R$ is commutative, but not necessarily unital

Is there a name for this ring-like object?

The structure of a Noetherian ring in which every element is an idempotent.

Must this rng be a ring?

A finite commutative ring with the property that every element can be written as product of two elements is unital

Why is it necessary for a ring to have multiplicative identity?

Existence of prime ideals in rings without identity

if $S$ is a ring (possibly without identity) with no proper left ideals, then either $S^2=0$ or $S$ is a division ring.

Examples of a commutative ring without an identity in which a maximal ideal is not a prime ideal

Non-unital rings: a few examples

Does a finite commutative ring necessarily have a unity?

Do Boolean rings always have a unit element?

If $I+J=R$, where $R$ is a commutative rng, prove that $IJ=I\cap J$.

Pathologies in "rng"

A maximal ideal is always a prime ideal?