New posts in eigenvalues-eigenvectors

Reference suggestion: eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrices

Minimum and maximum determinant of a sudoku-matrix

What does the minimal eigenvalue of a graph say about the graph's connectivity?

A real nxn matrix always has a real eigenvalue when n is odd

Construct matrix given eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Tricks for quickly reading off the eigenvalues of a matrix

How to generate $3 \times 3$ integer matrices with integer eigenvalues?

Why do positive definite symmetric matrices have the same singular values as eigenvalues?

What are the eigenvectors of this matrix and if these are the eigenvectors, why aren't they orthogonal?

An eigenvector is a non-zero vector such that...

Suppose $A,B\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ such that $AB-BA=A $ . Prove that $A$ is not invertible .

Eigenvalues of product of two hermitian matrices

Eigenvalues of the principal submatrix of a Hermitian matrix

A hole in the distribution of eigenvalues - is this real?

Diagonalisability of 2×2 matrices with repeated eigenvalues

Eigenvector and eigenvalue for exponential matrix

Do real matrices always have real eigenvalues?

Connection between the spectra of a family of matrices and a modelization of particles' scattering?

Finding Eigenvectors with repeated Eigenvalues

Prove that Hermitian matrices are diagonalizable