New posts in early-modern-english

In EModE should 'may' become 'mayest' when expressing a wish

Where can I find a modern English version of King James’s “Counterblaste to Tobacco”?

Is there any difference between "thou wast" and "thou wert"?

Does "goodly" in this sentence in Hamlet mean "considerable" or "pleasing?

Odd possessive form of a proper name: Why does Dryden write “Lord Nonsuch his” instead of “Lord Nonsuch’s” but “Bibber’s” instead of “Bibber his”?

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth

What are the origins of title case? [duplicate]

Why is "from" used in "from henceforth"?

What is the olden name for sideburns?

Shouldn’t “art” be “is” in “Our Father who art in heaven”?

Why did the KJV use "thou" toward God?

Was the “Ye Olde Shoppe” ever used or is it just an ancient-looking construct of modern times?

During what period of history did English use “ß”, the “sharp s” ligature?

When should I say "thee"?

Deciphering two words from their Archaic spellings

Is "-eth" (as in the verb "buildeth") always the singular? Is this inscription at Hoover Dam a mistake?

Meaning of “an” in Matthew (King James Version)

What is the meaning of "Apcie"?

Why did the old pronouns and their respective endings vanish from daily usage?

What word did Middle English have in place of “light" as in: “light blue”, “light green” etc.?