New posts in early-modern-english

"That heresies should arise, we have the prophesie of Christ..."

"As I am wo/man" in Twelfth Night, II, 2 (Shakespeare): a case of indefinite article omission or no?

Word contractions in Shakespeare's plays

What does "carry't" mean?

Why is it “Who be ye?” and not “Who are ye?” in archaic forms of English?

Is there any evidence for "altercate" ever having been pronounced with stress on the second syllable?

On THE other hand or on another hand?

What does "tenable" mean to Shakespeare?

What was the pronunciation of the a in "trap" in early to mid Modern English in the UK?

Why is ‘Earth’ often spelt with a lowercase e, even when referring to the planet?

-est vs. -st verb endings in Early Modern English

What word was used with the meaning of "suicide" pre-1650s?

Why is “Object” capitalized in the Declaration of Independence? [duplicate]

English Typography in the 17th Century

When did the word "demon" (for evil spirit) come into popular usage in the English language?

Appearances and usage of "believe on" instead of "believe in."

How was "ben't" used, and when did it cease to be used?

What were Red Admiral and White Admiral butterflies called before 1627?

How old is the practice of hyphenating compound adjectives?

"Fool" meaning "baby"