New posts in differential-geometry

Concrete Example Illustrating the Interior Product

General form of Integration by Parts

Trying to understand the use of the "word" pullback/pushforward.

How to interpret tangent vectors on a manifold as derivations?

Mean curvature in asymptotic directions

Relationship between $(n - 1)$ forms and flux of a vector field across a hypersurface

How can one prove that manifolds are regular?

Variety vs. Manifold

Two atlases on a manifold $M$ are equivalent if and only if they determine the same set of smooth functions $f:M\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$

Can a non-compact manifold have infinite-dimensional cohomology?

Do we only get conics when we do the Dupin indicatrix procedure?

Since the Curvature tensor depends on a connection (not metric), is it the relevant quantity to characterize the curvature of Riemannian manifolds?

Poincaré hyperbolic geodesics in half-plane and disc models including outer branch

Curvature of planar implicit curves

Proving The Extension Lemma For Vector Fields On Submanifolds

Can a conformal map be turned into an isometry?

Could exists a vector field on $\mathbb{S}^{2}$ with exactly $n$ zeroes?

When is a $k$-form a $(p, q)$-form?

Regular value: intuition about surjectivity condition

Apparent counter example to Stoke's theorem?