New posts in differential-geometry

Elliptic Bootstrapping for Gauge Transformations

When is an $n$-dimensional manifold characterized by its $m$-dimensional submanifolds?

What is the universal property of the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold?

Is the cuspidal cubic $\{y^2 = x^3\} \subset \Bbb R^2$ not smooth?

Why is the Leibniz rule a sufficient ingredient in the construction of the tangent space?

Differentiating the determinant of the Jacobian of a diffeomorphism (don't understand a proof)

Lie derivative w.r.t. time-dependent field

$f:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ has expansion $\sum_i g_i(x)x^i$

A compactly supported continuous function on an open subset of $\mathbb R^n$ is Riemann integrable. What is the relevance of openness in the proof?

Is $\Bbb R^2\times\Bbb S^2$ homeomorphic to $\Bbb R^4$ with a line removed?

How to prove that a vector bundle is trivial iff there are n global sections that form a basis on each fiber?

Sectional curvature of product metric?

Homogeneous space and nice manifolds

Critical Curves of the Energy Functional are Geodesics

The Ricci flow and $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}g_{ij}=-2(R_{ij}+\nabla_i \nabla_j f)$ are equivalent up to diffeomorphism

Soft question: How does basic differential geometry "fit together"?

Tangent bundle of sphere as a complex manifold

Explication of the differential of a smooth map

Is every compact hypersurface contained in a sphere which it touches twice?

The (orbifold) space of symmetric complex matrix