New posts in diction

Earliness: the quality of being early

One word describing making an uncharacteristically stupid mistake? [duplicate]

Is there a difference between the words "zig", "zag", and "zigzag"?

Is there one word for "not challenged enough"?

Does "inserting" yourself in a situation have a negative connotation?

What does "goathawks" mean in this passage from All The Pretty Horses?

Is there a specific expression to denote territories which were once occupied?

If "Literally" now means "Figuratively," Which Word Can Be Used for the Previous Meaning?

What is the word for hijacking something that was already just hijacked?

Outwardly beauty or outward beauty?

Replacement words/phrases that make you sound "wiser"?

Lease versus Let

Notice vs. pay attention

What do we call someone who eats earthworms?

What word or phrase describes the quality of an assertion to be inbetween a fact and an opinion?

What word means the state of not only obviously appearing to have quality Q, but also, actually having quality Q?

Is "conservativism" a word?

"An" in Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew

What is it called when two words are combined by overlapping each other?