New posts in convex-optimization

Optimization of a function of two variables.

Dual norm of the dual norm is the primal norm

Proximal Mapping of Least Squares with $ {L}_{1} $ and $ {L}_{2} $ Norm Terms Regularization (Similar to Elastic Net)

Is argmin of a sum of two functions equal to sum of each argmin?

Prove the supremum of the set of affine functions is convex

Second derivative positive $\implies$ convex

The LP formulation of a 2 player 0-sum game

Gradient of $\lVert A(X) - b\rVert^2$ with $A$ a linear operator

vector subset problem for linear approximation

How the dual LP solves the primal LP

Need help setting up and solving dual problem

Tangent cone to a set at a given point and first-order necessary optimality conditions

Is $q(x) = \frac{1}{2} x^T H x - g^T x$ strongly convex?

Prove if C is midpoint convex and closed then its a convex set

Does gradient descent converge to a minimum-norm solution in least-squares problems?

Is inverse matrix convex?

KKT and Slater's condition

Legendre transform of a norm

Multiple SDP constraints

Convexity and Affineness