New posts in convex-optimization

The Proximal Operator of the $ {L}_{1} $ Norm Function [duplicate]

Optimality condition of a convex function that is a.e. differentiable

How to set up Lagrangian optimization with matrix constrains

Minimization of positive quadratic function using gradient descent in at most $ n $ steps

If the Minkowski sum of two convex closed sets is a Euclidean ball, then can the two sets be anything other than Euclidean balls?

Convergence of steepest descent dynamics under weak convexity assumption

The Proximal Operator of the $ {L}_{\infty} $ (Infinity Norm)

Convexity of infimum function

Why is the affine hull of the unit circle $\mathbb R^2$?

Constructing a quasiconvex function

Finding the polar cone of the given cone

Maximizing a linear function over an ellipsoid

How many convex functions are there in $[0,1]^2$?

Pointwise infimum of affine functions is concave

Proof that the intersection of any finite number of convex sets is a convex set

Physical interpretation and notions about conjugate function?

Dual Linear Program

$ {L}_{1} $ Regularized Unconstrained Optimization Problem

Why is convexity more important than quasi-convexity in optimization?

If $0\notin\partial f(x_k)$ then any $-\xi\in-\partial f(x_k)$ is a descent direction.