New posts in convex-optimization

How do I solve $\min_x \max(c_1^Tx, c_2^Tx, \dots, c_k^Tx)$ for $\lVert x \rVert_2 = 1$.

Minimization of a convex quadratic form

Stochastic gradient descent for convex optimization

Fenchel dual vs Lagrange dual

Solver for Euclidean Norm Squared Constraint Least Squares

Composition of Proximal Operators

Is functional $\int_0^a \left( (u')^2 - u^2 \right) {\rm d} x$ convex?

Is $f(b) = \max\{c^T x \mid Ax\leq \sqrt{b} \}$ convex, concave, or is it not possible to say?

A question related to convergence property of proximal point algorithm

What is a bi-affine classifier?

What is the intuition behind Slater's condition in optimization? (And other constraint qualifications.)

Why concept of proper cone is important in convex optimization?

How to understand convex duality intuitively

Why is this QCQP non-convex?

Find the Matrix Projection of a Symmetric Matrix onto the set of Symmetric Positive Semi Definite (PSD) Matrices

Proving convexity of a function whose Hessian is positive semidefinite over a convex set

How to solver the least square problem involves with the variable is the product of Hadamard Product?

What is the time complexity of conjugate gradient method?

Convex analysis books and self study.

In convex optimization, must equality constraints be linear or affine?