New posts in constructive-mathematics

Countable choice and term extraction

Understanding a proof of Diaconescu's theorem

Double negation elimination in constructive logic

Does double negation distribute over implication intuitionistically?

How far is it true that statements dependent on Axiom of Choice are not constructive.

a "natural" real number that is not computable

Minimal difference between classical and intuitionistic sequent calculus

Aren't constructive math proofs more "sound"?

Defining arbitrary join on the set of complete ideals of a Heyting Algebra

What is a constructive proof of $\lnot\lnot(P\vee\lnot P)$?

Constructive Proof of Kronecker-Weber?

What practical proofs work in intuitionistic but not minimal logic?

Prove that a construction exists: is this a constructive proof or existential proof?

Why can't you prove the law of the excluded middle in intuitionistic logic (for layman)?

Difference between proof of negation and proof by contradiction

Approximate spectral decomposition

Is there a decision procedure for *monadic* intuitionist first-order logic?

Can one prove by contraposition in intuitionistic logic?

A few questions about intuitionistic mathematics

Can the principle of explosion be removed from constructive logic?