New posts in compound-adjectives

Should hyphenated compound words be permitted to break across lines?

Is there a name for phrases like "faint of heart" or "fleet of foot"?

What is the adjectival form of "black humo(u)r"?

Adjectival step by step

Which one is a correct way to write: a) two functions problems, or b) two-function problems?

Hyphenate 3/4 word compound adjective

Is ‘suit-wearing’ an adjective sui generis?

How to hyphenate "non self destructive"?

“Half an hour” and “half hour” adverbs

"Italy-based company" or "Italian-based company"

Joining two words to make a single word

What is the correct usage of hyphens with ranges (as in "a 5 to 10 minute rest")?

"Dead simple.." vs. "Really simple.."

Is "currently-installed" a proper compound adjective? [duplicate]

Should a two-word noun that modifies be hyphenated?

What does "consequence-free chance" mean?

'The snap election results' or 'The snap-election results'? [closed]

Can a compound modifier include a verb or be a sentence?

Could someone deconstruct this sentence and explain where it is right or wrong grammatically?

What grammatical role is "blood" playing in the phrase "blood red"?