New posts in coding-style

style.display='none' doesn't work on option tags in chrome, but it does in firefox

Dot notation vs. message notation for declared properties

Correct way of declaring pointer variables in C/C++ [closed]

Check if a string contains an element from a list (of strings)

pythonic way to do something N times without an index variable?

Advantages of std::for_each over for loop

Java - when to use 'this' keyword [duplicate]

Internal typedefs in C++ - good style or bad style?

Should enums in C# have their own file? [closed]

Should I use public properties and private fields or public fields for data?

codestyle; put javadoc before or after annotation?

C++ cast syntax styles

Why do some scripts omit the closing PHP tag, '?>'? [duplicate]

Setting variable to NULL after free

For a boolean field, what is the naming convention for its getter/setter?

What's the correct way to sort Python `import x` and `from x import y` statements?

Is it a bad practice to use an if-statement without curly braces? [closed]

Using do block vs braces {}

return statement vs exit() in main()

How do you tell someone they're writing bad code? [closed]