New posts in malloc

problem in creating binary search tree in c language

Can you allocate a very large single chunk of memory ( > 4GB ) in c or c++?

I'm getting a memory leak error in my own substr function

Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

Why does freeing allocated memory with the free() function give me invalid next size error?

How are we able to access the pointer after deallocating the memory?

Overriding 'malloc' using the LD_PRELOAD mechanism

Why free() doesn't really frees memory?

Allocate executable ram in c on linux

cython shared memory in cython.parallel.prange - block

Why exactly should I not call free() on variables not allocated by malloc()?

malloc vs mmap in C

What does the first "c" stand for in "calloc"?

Segfaults in malloc() and malloc_consolidate()

How do I free memory in C?

If free() knows the length of my array, why can't I ask for it in my own code?

zero size malloc [duplicate]

Memory Allocation/Deallocation Bottleneck?

Why do I get different results when I dereference a pointer after freeing it?

How does malloc work in a multithreaded environment?