Can you allocate a very large single chunk of memory ( > 4GB ) in c or c++?

With very large amounts of ram these days I was wondering, it is possible to allocate a single chunk of memory that is larger than 4GB? Or would I need to allocate a bunch of smaller chunks and handle switching between them?

Why??? I'm working on processing some openstreetmap xml data and these files are huge. I'm currently streaming them in since I can't load them all in one chunk but I just got curious about the upper limits on malloc or new.

Short answer: Not likely

In order for this to work, you absolutely would have to use a 64-bit processor. Secondly, it would depend on the Operating System support for allocating more than 4G of RAM to a single process.

In theory, it would be possible, but you would have to read the documentation for the memory allocator. You would also be more susceptible to memory fragmentation issues.

There is good information on Windows memory management.

A Primer on physcal and virtual memory layouts

You would need a 64-bit CPU and O/S build and almost certainly enough memory to avoid thrashing your working set. A bit of background:

A 32 bit machine (by and large) has registers that can store one of 2^32 (4,294,967,296) unique values. This means that a 32-bit pointer can address any one of 2^32 unique memory locations, which is where the magic 4GB limit comes from.

Some 32 bit systems such as the SPARCV8 or Xeon have MMU's that pull a trick to allow more physical memory. This allows multiple processes to take up memory totalling more than 4GB in aggregate, but each process is limited to its own 32 bit virtual address space. For a single process looking at a virtual address space, only 2^32 distinct physical locations can be mapped by a 32 bit pointer.

I won't go into the details but This presentation (warning: powerpoint) describes how this works. Some operating systems have facilities (such as those described Here - thanks to FP above) to manipulate the MMU and swap different physical locations into the virtual address space under user level control.

The operating system and memory mapped I/O will take up some of the virtual address space, so not all of that 4GB is necessarily available to the process. As an example, Windows defaults to taking 2GB of this, but can be set to only take 1GB if the /3G switch is invoked on boot. This means that a single process on a 32 bit architecture of this sort can only build a contiguous data structure of somewhat less than 4GB in memory.

This means you would have to explicitly use the PAE facilities on Windows or Equivalent facilities on Linux to manually swap in the overlays. This is not necessarily that hard, but it will take some time to get working.

Alternatively you can get a 64-bit box with lots of memory and these problems more or less go away. A 64 bit architecture with 64 bit pointers can build a contiguous data structure with as many as 2^64 (18,446,744,073,709,551,616) unique addresses, at least in theory. This allows larger contiguous data structures to be built and managed.

The advantage of memory mapped files is that you can open a file much bigger than 4Gb (almost infinite on NTFS!) and have multiple <4Gb memory windows into it.
It's much more efficent than opening a file and reading it into memory,on most operating systems it uses the built-in paging support.

This shouldn't be a problem with a 64-bit OS (and a machine that has that much memory).

If malloc can't cope then the OS will certainly provide APIs that allow you to allocate memory directly. Under Windows you can use the VirtualAlloc API.

it depends on which C compiler you're using, and on what platform (of course) but there's no fundamental reason why you cannot allocate the largest chunk of contiguously available memory - which may be less than you need. And of course you may have to be using a 64-bit system to address than much RAM...

see Malloc for history and details

call HeapMax in alloc.h to get the largest available block size