Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

Solution 1:

The draft n4296 for C11 is explicit that pointing one past an array is perfecly defined: 6.5.6 Language / Expressions / Additive operators:

§ 8 When an expression that has integer type is added to or subtracted from a pointer, the result has the type of the pointer operand. ... Moreover, if the expression P points to the last element of an array object, the expression (P)+1 points one past the last element of the array object, and if the expression Q points one past the last element of an array object, the expression (Q)-1 points to the last element of the array object... If the result points one past the last element of the array object, it shall not be used as the operand of a unary * operator that is evaluated.

As the type of the memory is never precised in the sub clause, it applies to any type of memory including allocated one.

That clearly means that after:

int *a = malloc(5 * sizeof(*a));
assert(a != NULL, "Memory allocation failed");


int *p = a+5;
int diff = p-a;

are perfectly defined and as the usual pointer arithmetic rules apply, diff shall receive the value 5.

Solution 2:

Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

It is well defined if p is pointing to one past the allocated memory and it is not dereferenced.

n1570 - §6.5.6 (p8):

[...] If the result points one past the last element of the array object, it shall not be used as the operand of a unary * operator that is evaluated.

Subtracting two pointers are valid only when they point to elements of the same array object or one past the last element of the array object, otherwise it will result in undefined behavior.


When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object [...]

The above quotes are well applicable for both dynamically and statically allocated memory.

int a[5];
ptrdiff_t diff = &a[5] - &a[0]; // Well-defined

int *d = malloc(5 * sizeof(*d));
assert(d != NULL, "Memory allocation failed");
diff = &d[5] - &d[0];        // Well-defined

Another reason that this is valid for dynamically allocated memory, as pointed by Jonathan Leffler in a comment is:

§7.22.3 (p1):

The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the aligned_alloc, calloc, malloc, and realloc functions is unspecified. The pointer returned if the allocation succeeds is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object with a fundamental alignment requirement and then used to access such an object or an array of such objects in the space allocated (until the space is explicitly deallocated).

The pointer returned by malloc in the above snippet is assigned to d and the memory allocated is an array of 5 int objects.

Solution 3:

Yes, the same rules apply to variables with dynamic and automatic storage duration. It even applies to a malloc request for a single element (a scalar is equivalent to a one-element array in this respect).

Pointer arithmetic is only valid within arrays, including one past the end of an array.

On dereferencing, it's important to note one consideration: with respect to the initialisation int a[5] = {0};, the compiler must not attempt to dereference a[5] in the expression int* p = &a[5]; it must compile this as int* p = a + 5; Again, the same thing applies to dynamic storage.

Solution 4:

Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

Yes, yet a corner case exists where this is not well defined:

void foo(size_t n) {
  int *a = malloc(n * sizeof *a);
  assert(a != NULL || n == 0, "Memory allocation failed");
  int *p = a+n;
  intptr_t diff = p-a;

Memory management functions ... If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object. C11dr §7.22.3 1

foo(0) --> malloc(0) may return a NULL or non-NULL. In the first implementation a return of NULL is not an "Memory allocation failure". This means code is attempting int *p = NULL + 0; with int *p = a+n; which fails the guarantees about pointer math - or at least brings such code into question.

Portable code benefits by avoiding 0 size allocations.

void bar(size_t n) {
  intptr_t diff;
  int *a;
  int *p;
  if (n > 0) {
    a = malloc(n * sizeof *a);
    assert(a != NULL, "Memory allocation failed");
    p = a+n;
    diff = p-a;
  } else {
    a = p = NULL;
    diff = 0;