New posts in typedef

How do you read C declarations?

Forward declarations of unnamed struct

Is "typedef" in between the type and the alias standard-conformant?

What does "typedef void (*Something)()" mean

Explanation of function pointers

How does typedef-ing a block works

Use of typename keyword with typedef and new

Repeated typedefs - invalid in C but valid in C++?

Why do I need to use typedef typename in g++ but not VS?

Header file best practices for typedefs

Unusual typedef use in C++

What is 'forward declaration' and the difference between 'typedef struct X' and 'struct X'?

Can I mimic a C header that redefines bool in C++?

A confusing typedef involves class scope

What is the use of typedef?

What's the syntax for declaring an array of function pointers without using a separate typedef?

Is typedef'ing a pointer type considered bad practice? [duplicate]

Opaque C structs: various ways to declare them

invalid use of incomplete type

How do I use typedef and typedef enum in C?