New posts in static-members

Initialisation of static vector

Do static members ever get garbage collected?

What am I allowed to do with a static, constexpr, in-class initialized data member?

What does "typedef void (*Something)()" mean

static variable in the class declaration or definition?

Why is a class allowed to have a static member of itself, but not a non-static member?

Static properties in Swift

Private class functions vs Functions in unnamed namespace

Can't a class have static constexpr member instances of itself?

Why doesn't Scala have static members inside a class?

How to initialize static members in the header

Mock private static final field using mockito or Jmockit

How to have static data members in a header-only library?

Why would code explicitly call a static method via a null pointer?

ASP.NET Application state vs a Static object

PHP Can static:: replace self::?

Static member access in constant expressions

static vs extern "C"/"C++"

Implicitly lazy static members in Swift

When to use enums, and when to replace them with a class with static members?