Should enums in C# have their own file? [closed]

I have a class which uses an enumeration, the enum is currently in its own file which seems wasteful.

What is the general opinion on enums being placed within the namespace of a file that they are consumed in? Or should the enum really live in its own cs file?


I should mention that while the class in question uses these enumerations, so does external callers. In other words, another class can set these enumerations. So they are not used internally to the class, otherwise this question would be a no brainer.

I wouldn't say "wasteful" (how much does an extra file cost?), but it is often inconventient. Usually there's one class that's most closely associtated with the enum, and I put them in the same file.

This is really just a matter of preference.

I prefer to put each enumeration in its own file (likewise for each interface, class, and struct, no matter how small). It makes them easier to find when I'm coming from another solution or otherwise don't already have a reference to the type in question.

Putting a single type in each file also makes it easier to identify changes in source control systems without diffing.