New posts in british-english

Paste data in/to/into the Excel-based calculator

How to use the prepositions "apud" and "chez"?

Using "who" for not living characters

Pronunciation of “master” and “plaster” in Northern England

"Autumn" vs. "fall" — geographical distribution of usage?

What's the difference between "Yours sincerely" and "Sincerely yours"?

Divergence in meaning of "just about" between UK and North American English

What is the origin of Bishy Barney Bee?

Does the electricity "go or cut" "off or out"? [closed]

What is the grammatical nature of "wrote" in the phrase "The Wrote and The Writ"? [closed]

Is there a word for centering the English language that is disconnected from England?

Where is "Wednesday" pronounced "Wedinzday"?

Does quoting in British or American English depend on the quoted or the audience?

Words with different meanings in American and British English

Plural for "photo"?

How was "ben't" used, and when did it cease to be used?

Missing data: not registered vs not available

Usage of "and" and comma when writing numbers UK style

Was “tickle (someone's) fancy” originally a double entendre?

Origin of "All right, what's all this, then?!"