New posts in autostart

Added Auto Start of Kodi, Now I can't access my Regular user

Run only one program on Windows at startup without any other services

How do I disable Ktorrent from autostarting on login?

ConEmu's startup option

How do I banish the "You have just inserted an Audio CD." dialog forever?

How to get Synergy to Autostart at login on Ubuntu 16.04

How can I automatically set my status to Available when I log in?

How to shut down Ubuntu after 2 hours of being idle?

Android - How to Enable Autostart option programmatically in Xiaomi devices?

How do I use ARandR to create a permanent monitor layout in Lubuntu 12.10? [duplicate]

Dropbox opens each time I plug in removable media

How can I stop the Ubuntu Software Center from autostarting in Xubuntu?

How to edit autostart applications? [duplicate]

What are all the autostart locations in Ubuntu?

Autostart Dropbox in Lubuntu

How do I prevent Dropbox from being automatically added to the autostart list after launching it?

How to disable autostart of SSHD in Ubuntu 15.04

How to run a particular command at startup?

.xsession. .xinitrc, xmonad, and lightdm

GTK theme does not work properly on Qt Startup Applications