New posts in synergy

Any way to use Synergy+ and use the mice on *both* computers to travel between screens?

Synergy and IE problem with new tab pages

Synergy, OSX client, Windows 7 server - No mouse on client

Can the Synergy client be configured to connect to one of many servers?

Reversing scroll direction across Synergy connection

Fix Synergy so it works on Login/Locked screen

Synergy 1.4.14 fails with "Protocol error"

In Synergy, how can I configure a client monitor with a server monitor on either side?

Synergy dual-screen client

Synergy broken on Windows 8.1 + HDPI

Synergy client won't connect, despite open port?

Use synergy on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

Synergy, I am missing mouse cursor on client machine

Win key replayed when focus changes from Windows to Ubuntu host

What key works like End using a Mac with Synergy

When using synergy, it lags sometimes

Synergy 'Shift' key not working on the Mac

Launch Synergy on boot

Remapping Home/End from PC to Mac Via Synergy is not client specific

Synergy lags extremely hard