New posts in high-dpi

High DPI messes up text and icons; did not happen before reformat

Chromebook: How do you increase the size of the Chrome webbrowser GUI?

Can I turn off high-DPI scaling for all applications? [duplicate]

Windows 7 cannot turn off DPI/PPI scaling for an application

Synergy broken on Windows 8.1 + HDPI

Remote Desktop into Windows 8.1 PC with high DPI scaling

Scaling display for Mac OSX in VMWare

Windows 10 update made most of my programs big and blurry

Using multiple screens with very different DPI simultaneously in Windows 8.1?

Windows applications resized incorrectly when moving between monitors with different resolutions and scaling

Scaling Spotify client on Linux HiDPI display

Vista/7: Possible to DPI lie, but without the scaling?

Blurry screen when using 1/2 native resolution

Text is blurry on normal-DPI external display with Windows 8.1 and high-DPI laptop display

Giant system dialog font on Windows 10

Cannot disable DPI scaling for Visual Studio 2012

How to upscale the interface of IntelliJ IDEA/WebStorm?

Visual Studio on 4k monitor

Overriding High DPI Scaling from the Command Line

Windows 10 dual monitor - lower res monitor is blurry