Cannot disable DPI scaling for Visual Studio 2012

I would like high DPI enabled for most of the applications that I use on my 14" 1920x1080 laptop, except for a few like Visual Studio that benefits from the extra space. However, setting "disable high DPI" in compatibility does nothing. I am using Windows 8.

Solution 1:

i asked Chris Jackson, the Microsoft AppCompat guy; there is no way to do this.

We don’t have such an ability, the scaled mode is what we have to handle those situations. Yes, there clearly are some things that are suboptimal about how we do that (I hate the fuzzies too), but it’s hard to get a second fix approved which technically solves the same thing since that means that engineer isn't doing something else to make the world a better place.

i also asked nearly the same thing here.

Solution 2:


I tried this on my Windows 8 and it works perfectly:

  1. Go to your Visual Studio Shortcut/app launcher
  2. Right Click and Troubleshoot Compatibility
  3. Continue Troubleshooting Program
  4. Troubleshoot Program
  5. Tick: Program opens but doesn't display correctly
  6. Test Program..
  7. Yes, Save Changes

You are all set!

Solution 3:

This is absolutely possible. I was using the "compatibility" settings on executables to do it but for some reason that's not available for VS. However the equivalent registry key works just fine. The key is HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers and you just have to add a string value "~ HIGHDPIAWARE" (same as ticking that box in the compatibility tab of the executable's properties). Or you can just run this:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "full path to Executable" /t REG_SZ /d "~ HIGHDPIAWARE"