Solution 1:

Make sure that synergyc is starting after the monitor screens have been defined and positioned.

I have occasionally had only one screen or just part of a screen available to synergy while a local mouse could access all available screen area. Each time the problem has been that synergyc was starting up and remaining resident before the screens had their custom definitions appplied.

With KDM I use the procedure described here: For the last few years (KUBUNTU 12.04 onwards), the startup files are in /etc/kde4/kdm) for KDM. Other display managers are also described in the SynergyHowTo.

To set the displays up before KDM login, put the screen orientation and position settings in Xsetup. To set the displays up after KDM login put them in Xsession.

I could not get synergy to see the entire desktop using the visual monitor setup, even with the 'save as default' button. I believe the problem is when in the startup sequence the settings are applied.

As an example my /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup contains this:

xrandr --output HDMI-0 --pos 0x0 --rotate left
xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --pos 1024x256 --primary

/sbin/initctl -q emit login-session-start DISPLAY_MANAGER=kdm

/usr/bin/killall synergyc
sleep 1