How to generically refer to the AppData folder on the Windows command line?
Solution 1:
Run a command shell (start/Run, then "cmd") and type "set". This will list all the environmental variables available. Having said that, USERPROFILE is perfectly valid. There's also APPDATA and LOCALAPPDATA.
(Edit: stuartd has the right answer too - I was sidetracked while editing!)
Solution 2:
Here are some of the common system path variables on windows, but check here for a complete reference:
| Variable | Default Value |
| %SystemDrive% | C: |
| %ProgramFiles% | C:\Program Files |
| %AppData% | C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming |
| %LocalAppData% | C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local |
| %UserProfile% | C:\Users\{username} |
| %UserName% | {username} |
| %COMPUTERNAME% | {computername} |
| %PATH% | C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;{plus program paths} |
These should automatically be expanded when using the windows cmd prompt (or bash / powershell):
cd %UserProfile%
Your specific issue here seems to be using UserProfile
instead of UserName
. Either use cd %UserProfile%
or cd C:\Users\%UserName%
Further Reading:
variable not working- SS64 - Windows Environment Variables
- MS Docs - Recognized Environment Variables