How to fix the slow DNS lookup and long time in "connecting"? win8.1 and chrome

Here is a video about how my requests are queued up in Chrome and how much time it takes.

It is amazingly slow:

  • More than 3s just for a DNS lookup
  • Around 20-30 seconds to load a page and also fails some files
  • Many requests are in "connecting" mode for a long long time
  • In resource panel you can see that chrome has more than 100 tcp connections

About my config:

  • Win 8.1
  • Wire connection
  • No app running, just that browser
  • 12 Mbps internet, as you can see in the speed test

What I've done:

  • Read some posts about this topic, but nothing works
  • Changed DNS to the Google ones
  • Talk to the free assistance from my internet provider and told me to call the paid assistance
  • Wireshark packet capture but I'm not a pro understanding what is going on but I have a lot of balck lines and some red ones lol

What I'm asking:

  • I would like to know what should I do before I should pay for internet service. They charge money if I call them, and is not cheap.
  • Any fix about this problem
  • Maybe tell me what is really going on. I know that bandwidth != throughput, so yes, I can download big files fast (1.4MB) but for small bits like in games or websites everything is slow.


Things to try :

  1. In Command Prompt (cmd) enter ipconfig /flushdns
  2. Try adding to the chrome.exe call the parameter --enable-async-dns. To find out if Asynchronous DNS is enabled, access chrome://net-internals/#dns and verify that "Internal DNS client enabled" is set to "true" or "false".
  3. Delete temporary files
  4. Ensure that in Power Options the Power Plan is set to High performance
  5. Disable IPv6
  6. Ensure the computer is fully patched, especially in Windows Update, Optional section, for any hardware drivers

Reboot is required after most of the above when testing for improvement, except for point 2.

If none of the above helped, test if the slowdown occurs when booting in Safe mode.

You could also reset the TCP/IP stack by running these commands (Run as administrator) :

  • Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog
  • Reset IPv4 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log
  • Reset IPv6 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log
  • Reset the winsock catalog : netsh winsock reset catalog
  • Or just : netsh int ip reset reset.log
  • And netsh winsock reset catalog

There might be some duplication in the above commands, but this are all the reset commands that I know of.

If everything fails, the only advice I can think of is :

  • sfc /scannow to verify Windows components
  • Repair Install is the big gun, to be used only if no other option

From the speed test you ran, you have a mere 1Mbps of uplink speed. Your ping time to the local server was 23ms, which is okay. I can also see in your taskbar/tray, that you're running uTorrent.

If you're torrenting, you're losing a lot of your uplink speed. In other words, your requests are fighting to get out to the DNS server and the other webserver amongst all the Torrent traffic.

Try throttling your Torrent uplink speed to 500 kbps by changing your uTorrent settings. (approx 1/2 of your 1Mbps uplink speed.) And see what happens. I suspect this is your problem.

EDIT 1: Your issue is symptomatic of high latency issues. You can trying pinging various servers at the Windows command line using the "ping" command. I can ping Google and Bing and get sub 5ms responses. Maybe you need to look for a closer DNS server. I googled and manually enter a DNS server until you find a few with really low ping times.

looks like old post, but since I don't see concrete discussions and solutions, here is one attempt from me.

First, let me say that your explanation of the problem is exactly as if I had described what I am experiencing. Tried number of times to address it, but had no luck in solving it. I was suspecting the quality of my provider's network, but no conclusion on it at all. Mind you - I have very good nominal speed and speedtest and pingtest often confirm this.

Now, to the point: This is what I just found by chance:

Start Chrome using "no sandbox" switch, as in

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --no-sandbox

Tried, and at first glance, it looks like it improved (even fixed) the issue. But I'll have to see over the next day or two how it behaves.

Found it here:

Edit: The video shows exactly the adding of the switch to the Chrome shortcut in Windows. Most likely no need to watch it, but there it is for the reference anyway.

Edit 2: Note that after adding this switch the Chrome will show you warning message about "unsupported switch, stability and security will suffer". I don't know much about security implications, but I am guessing this may reduce protection in some way.

Try to disable IPv6 if enabled, and check if yout hosts file is not too heavy (it slows down resolves).

EDIT 1 : uTorrent creates many connection that your router may not handle and it may become slow until a reboot (it already happened to me with a cheap low cost ISP gateway). Does it work better after a reboot ?

You can download lot of data faster than some bytes due to TCP protocol which is slow to etablish a connection each times.