Change Notepad++ Double Click Highlight Behavior

It seems like the double click function in NotePad++ currently highlights all text until it finds a space or non-alphanumeric character. If I double click on the 'F00D' portion of the following guid:


It will select 'F00D'. Is there a way to have the double click functionality extend to the entire Guid? In essence, I want the double click to highlight in either direction until it finds a space. So in the previous example, a double click anywhere in the Guid would select the entire Guid.

I tried changing the Settings -> Preferences -> Delimiter setting to a blank space on either side, but no luck still.

Settings > Preferences > Delimiter > Add your character as part of word.

Please a hyphen '-' in this field and it will add the hyphen character as part of the word character set, and therefore highlight the entire GUID string as it accepts the hyphen as being treated as any other standard alphanumeric character.

I hope this makes sense.