Remapping Home/End from PC to Mac Via Synergy is not client specific

Solution 1:

Maybe you should do this directly on the Mac, instead of trying to do it via Synergy? There are a few solutions out there, one I've seen is this one:

  • KeyFixer

This fixes it most places, but a few apps might not get fixed, so you might need to apply specific settings to them. Googling should find them, for example here are a few: Mac Home and End Keys

Solution 2:

If you want to "fix" even more annoyances, you could do it manually:

Go to your ~/Library folder and add a KeyBindings folder. There, create a DefaultKeyBinding.dict file and copy & paste the following:

"\UF729"   = "moveToBeginningOfLine:";                       /* Home         */  
"@\UF729"  = "moveToBeginningOfDocument:";                   /* Cmd  + Home  */  
"$\UF729"  = "moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:";     /* Shift + Home */  
"@$\UF729" = "moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:"; /* Shift + Cmd  + Home */  
"\UF72B"   = "moveToEndOfLine:";                             /* End          */  
"@\UF72B"  = "moveToEndOfDocument:";                         /* Cmd  + End   */  
"$\UF72B"  = "moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:";           /* Shift + End  */  
"@$\UF72B" = "moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:";       /* Shift + Cmd  + End */  
"\UF72C"   = "pageUp:";                                      /* PageUp       */  
"\UF72D"   = "pageDown:";                                    /* PageDown     */  
"$\UF728"  = "cut:";                                         /* Shift + Del  */  
"$\UF727"  = "paste:";                                       /* Shift + Ins */  
"@\UF727"  = "copy:";                                        /* Cmd  + Ins  */  
"$\UF746"  = "paste:";                                       /* Shift + Help */  
"@\UF746"  = "copy:";                                        /* Cmd  + Help (Ins) */  
"@\UF702"  = "moveWordBackward:";                            /* Cmd  + LeftArrow */  
"@\UF703"  = "moveWordForward:";                             /* Cmd  + RightArrow */  
"@$\UF702" = "moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection:";   /* Shift + Cmd  + Leftarrow */  
"@$\UF703" = "moveWordForwardAndModifySelection:";   /* Shift + Cmd  + Rightarrow */  

This particular mapping assumes that you have already switched the Control and Command keys. You might have to restart the app you want this running for and/or log out and log back in.

I'm sorry I can't remember where on the net I found this. But big thumb up for the creator!