GTK theme does not work properly on Qt Startup Applications


When a Qt app (KeePassXC, AntiMicroX) is started automatically (via autostart), the GTK theme is not applied.

  • All apps are installed via standard apt packages (I am aware of snap theming issues).
  • I am on Ubuntu 20.04, I use the Yaru dark gtk theme.
  • To apply the GTK theme onto Qt apps, I did the following:
    • Installed the qt5-style-plugins apt package (with all of its dependencies)
    • Added a line to /etc/environment: QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2
    • This works properly if I start the applications manually

Additional fiddling showed, that on cold start the theme never gets applied properly, however, on a restart, it does work sometimes.


  • How can I ensure that the dark gtk application theme gets properly used?

  • I would assume that when the autostart happens, some setting is not loaded, hence the breakage. Is there some sort of "service" those apps would have to wait for?

  • Should I try to add delay?

What made it work

Added a 1 second startup delay to the autostart desktop files (in ~/.config/autostart/):

[Desktop Entry]

This made the apps to start after the X session has properly initialized itself after login. Nothing else was needed (apart from the initial setup).


  • The QT Configuration tool (shipped in qt5ct apt package) is viable but not necessary.

    • If installed it addes an X session config /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99qt5ct that sets the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME to qt5ct if unset.
    • It enables a wider configuration of Qt theming. I used a minimal ~/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf:
  • For debugging the env of the apps can be checked with this shell command (note, I use fish and not bash): strings /proc/(pidof keepassxc)/environ | grep QT

  • To investigate where environment variables are set one can use these commands:

    # system wide - this was quick
    grep QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME --recursive /etc/*
    # per user - this was super slow on my system (*khm* steam *khm*)
    grep QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME --recursive ~/*
  • Sources:

    • Comments under this question
    • How to determine where an environment variable came from?
    • How can I delay a specific program on startup?