Added Auto Start of Kodi, Now I can't access my Regular user

Solution 1:

Ok, I figured out what I did wrong as I traced my steps...

When I installed Xorg Legacy (As outlined in Step 5 of the Wiki), then realized that this step was not necessary, and purged and reinstalled Xorg, it removed my Ubuntu session. I had to re-install the missing files in my Ubuntu session, and the Unity greeter works perfectly now! This is the command I used.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-session

Thanks George for making me re-trace my steps!

The above Question is the exact steps to follow if your using a Desktop connected to a T.V. with a DVI to HDMI Cable as the Media Center for Kodi. When a member of my household wants to use Kodi, all the need to do is power on the computer and it boots straight to Kodi. I would like to stregthen my setup so that just any user cannot edit the Kodi Media Server settings, but that is a whole new topic. For now, this works great!