How do I banish the "You have just inserted an Audio CD." dialog forever?

Sometimes when I insert an audio CD I get a dialog that says "You have just inserted an Audio CD. Choose what application to launch." It doesn't show up for every CD... probably something like once for every 5 CD insertions.

Every single time I select "Do Nothing" and ensure that the "Always perform this action" checkbox is checked. I assume the point of the checkbox is to let me make the decision once and for all, but this dialog continues to reappear periodically.

Solution 1:

Prompting for action to perform upon inserting media is a behaviour of nautilus (the file browser program in GNOME Environment). To change this behaviour I would recommend the following steps:

  1. Close all open File Browser windows
  2. Open Places -> Home Folder. This will open the home folder in a new File Browser window.
  3. Click Edit -> Preferences
  4. Select the Media tab
  5. For those media types where you don't want any prompt, select Do Nothing in the drop-down list.
  6. Click Close

From next time, you should not get the messages while inserting media.

Solution 2:

In 12.04 this functionality is no longer in Nautilus and has been moved to the System Settings application.

Unity Dash -> System Settings -> System -> Details -> Removable Media

There is a checkbox there that says "Never prompt or start programs on media insertion"
I haven't tested if it actually works though ;-)